Poets And Poetry

It's poetry that sets a man apart,
It lets us soar above the common plane;
It turns the mundane into finest art,
But more than that, it helps to keep us sane!
--Carl E. Heffley

It's something even poets can't explain;
It goes beyond the confines of the heart.
We know, although it sounds a little vain,
It's poetry that sets a man apart.

A poet's soul is eager to impart
His deepest message to a vast terrain.
To write it is our truest counterpart;
It lets us soar above the common plane.

We seldom write for monetary gain,
Nor do we write to prove that we are smart,
But we all know and always will maintain
It turns the mundane into finest art.

From reading it we never will depart,
For poetry our passion will not wane;
Without it we are like an empty mart,
But more than that, it helps to keep us sane!

If words can cleanse us like a gentle rain,
Or let us taste the bitter, sweet, and tart;
If we can see a picture clear and plain,
Or feel the hurt just like a piercing dart,
It's poetry.

Copyright © 1995 Ruth Gillis


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All poetry written by Ruth Gillis is copyrighted and may not be used in any way
without written permission from the author herself,
whether it is found on this site or any other.
If you would like to use my poetry for any purpose,
please email me for permission.